Last Friday, I finally had the chance to go to Carter's brick and mortar store to get the onesie set I've been eyeing since the start of the 50% Off Baby Sale. Besides special occasion dresses, I rarely buy the kid any clothing because she has tons, all gifts. And with her 1st birthday coming up, I really don't have any business shopping for anything. But I couldn't resist! This set has been sitting in my online cart for 2 weeks now and I just don't have it in me to pay $6 for shipping when I can just trek to the store and buy it myself. And that I did last Friday. Thank goodness because it was almost gone in the size I wanted which was 18 months...more room to grow and perfect size for next fall! (spoken like a true Mommy eh?)
It's pandamonium in this household because of the party theme. I can't help it, pandas are so darn cute! :)