
Monday, July 1, 2013

I Want to Blog, I Really Do

Hi. I did not mean to go on hiatus for so long. The best explanation to this is, I was busy. I kinda really was, or still am. Last post was January, and today is July 1st. There's no other excuse I could really think of. LOL. I do want to blog! I really do! At night when I am stalking Ikea for furniture I know I can't assemble or looking at ideas on Pinterest  that I will never have time to make, I keep thinking of blogging about things that I did actually do. But alas, the lazy bug bit me, and it lasted for 6 months.

I'm not going to promise that I will be blogging regularly because that's like promising my child that we'll be going to Disneyland every year. So no! But I have intentions to blog regularly. :) It's not a promise, but that's what I'm aiming for.

I will be back...(not promising that either! :)

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